Violation of any campground rules or policies will lead to eviction, fines, or possible incarceration under applicable state criminal laws, and/or Grant County ordinances prohibiting disturbing the peace or creating a public nuisance.
All persons and vehicles will be subjected to a full search upon entering the campground. Please be prepared to exit your vehicle for the search.
The Gorge reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these Safety & Rules.
The Gorge does not allow firearms or weapons of any description on our property. This includes our venue and campgrounds.
When coming through our gates, please plan on security using metal detectors and/or a physical pat-down for our search procedures. All bags are subject to inspection. If you have a medical reason for not wanting to be searched via metal detectors, please ask to speak with a supervisor or one of our medical personnel and they will give you an alternative to our metal detectors. More information can be found here
The Gorge has trained paramedics to assist with any medical issues. First aid is located in the lower plaza, above The Gorge Grill, but any staff member with a radio can dispatch First Aid to the location needed. Local law enforcement officers are also on-site for every event and can assist if needed or requested. Venue management works closely with all appropriate emergency agencies and services to ensure that we are up to date on any dangerous weather or potential crowd-related issues. In the event of a weather emergency- we will communicate with guests that are inside and outside of the facility.
First Aid Locations:
Please visit our FAQ Page here for What is Allowed Inside the Venue and What is Not for Watershed Weekend.
Generators: When utilizing a generator, please be considerate of your neighbors and operate your generator safely. Remember to read your owner’s manual, and always double check that both your carbon monoxide and fire detectors are functioning properly before you camp!
Your generator should be outdoors, far from any structure and properly grounded. When operating your generator, plug equipment directly into the generator, and DO NOT plug the generator into a wall outlet. Between uses, give your generator time to cool off before refueling. Please “pipe up” internal generators reducing noise and diverting exhaust fumes above the RV and away from your neighbor’s camping area. For free-standing generators, a “muffle box” can reduce noise and direct exhaust away from fellow campers. All generators are the sole responsibility of their owners. Carbon monoxide detectors and fire detectors save lives. Don’t forget to pack one for your campsite and ensure they are working properly before you head to the campground!
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